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100次浏览     发布时间:2025-01-02 10:35:45    

As a child, photographer Claudio Contreras Koob visited the coast of the Yucatán PeninsulaMexico with his father every summer. He watched the flamingos in the wetlands behind their holiday home for hours -- and decades later, is sharing his obsession for Mexico's"iconic species" in his new photography book, "Flamingo."

  1. flamingo [flə'mɪŋɡəʊ] 火烈鸟
  2. wetland 湿地
  3. obsession [əbˈseʃn] 痴迷;着魔;使人痴迷的人(或物)
  4. iconic [aɪˈkɑːnɪk] 标志性的

Flamingos are social birds that gather in large groups called a flamboyance, or a colony.

  1. social birds 群居鸟类
  2. in groups 成群结队地
  3. flamboyance [flæm'bɔɪəns]华丽;炫耀;浮夸;火焰
  4. colony [ˈkɑːləni] 群,群体,集落

Flamingos get their vivid pink coloring by eating algae and brine shrimp that are rich in carotenoids,a reddish-orange pigment. The intensity of a flamingo's color is an indicator of its health and a signal to potential mates, says Koob.

  1. vivid 清晰的;生动的;逼真的;鲜明的;耀眼的;鲜艳的;强烈的;丰富的
  2. algae [ˈældʒiː] (alga的复数)藻类;藻;海藻
  3. brine shrimp 盐水虾
  4. be rich in 富含…
  5. reddish 微红的;略带红色的
  6. pigment 颜料;色素
  7. intensity 强度
  8. indicator 指示信号;标志;迹象
  9. mate 配偶

Mexico has taken steps to protect the salty brackish water and wetlands that the birds live in, and created two reserves: Ria Lagartos where the flamingos nest, and Ría Celestun, an important feeding site.

  1. take steps to do 采取措施…
  2. brackish [ˈbrækɪʃ] 微咸的
  3. reserve [rɪˈzɜːv] (动植物)保护区;自然保护区
  4. nest 筑巢;巢居

Flamingos migrate every year, flying mostly at night and sometimes for very long distances says Koob, adding that tagging conducted by Mexico's Flamingo Conservation Program has revealed that the colonies in Yucatán travel to the Bahamasus and Cuba.

  1. migrate [ˈmaɪɡreɪt] 迁移
  2. tagging 标签;标记
  3. reveal [rɪˈviːl] 揭示;显示;透露;显出;露出;展示

Flamingos build volcano-shaped nests from mud which can hold one large egg. The birds pictured here are nesting in Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve in the Yucatán Peninsula,a favored breeding site. Last year the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas(CONANP)estimated there were around 15,000 nests at Ría Lagartos.

  1. -shaped …形状的
  2. favored 偏爱的
  3. breeding site 繁殖地
  4. estimate [ˈestɪmət] 估计;估算

The eggs are incubated for a month before hatching. Parents recognize their young through the unique sound of its call, and they will not feed any other chicks.

  1. incubate [ˈɪŋkjubeɪt] 孵化
  2. hatch [hætʃ] 孵出;出壳;孵化;破壳;使(小鸟、小鱼、小虫等)孵出
  3. recognize 认出
  4. chick 小鸟

Chicks are keen explorers, says Koob. To keep the chick's in the nest the adult flamingos try to hold them between their feet.

  1. keen 热切的;热衷于;渴望;热切;热情的;热心的;喜爱

Both male and female flamingos feed their young a substance called "crop milk" which they create in the upper digestive tract. Crop milk has a similar fat and protein content to mammal milk, and has a red hue that will help the chick grow its first pink feathers when it is older.

  1. substance [ˈsʌbstəns] 物质
  2. upper digestive tract 上消化道
  3. similar to 和…类似
  4. content 内容
  5. mammal 哺乳动物的
  6. hue [hjuː] 颜色;色度;色调

At five to 12 days old, chicks leave the nest and their down feathers begin to turn grey, but they still rely on their parents for food. At around three months old, the chicks' beaks will hook so they can feed themselves, and they start to lose their grey down and grow feathers suitable for flight.

  1. down feather 绒羽
  2. rely on 依赖
  3. beak 喙
  4. hook 弯钩
  5. suitable for 适应